Alexander Teacher, Hellerwork Practitioner & Natural Vision Educator
Alexander Teacher, Hellerwork Practitioner & Natural Vision Educator
Hello, I am Kay.
Hello, I am Kay.

I take people with structural and visual problems back to early developmental movement to reeducate both the vision and the structure.
Kay Hogan is a certified Hellerworker and Alexander Technique Teacher and Natural Vision Educator. Kay has Master’s Degrees in Education and Counseling, specializing in codependency and addictions recovery.
Her practice also incorporates her multifaceted training in shiatsu, foot reflexxology, yoga and more. In recent years she has been studying neurokinesiology, early developmental movement, and The Dart Procedures, linking movement with the brain and the senses the most important being vision.
Kay has worked in the healing arts for the past twenty-four years and has a private practice in Pleasant Hill, California serving all of Contra Costa County.
Kay leads workshops and consults on alternative health topics.
Location : Contra Costa County
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A new book from Kay.
As a structural body worker (Hellerwork), movement specialist (Alexander Technique) and natural vision educator and Tomitis based practitioner over time I have developed a technique that I call “The Vestibular Sensing System”.
It is based on the premise that we stand up and through our senses. The way that we use those senses determines our structure and how we move.
The book can be ordered through Reasonable Books in Lafayette CA by emailing
The Hellerwork Newsletter
Reviews For: Up Right
Anna I. Corwin PhD.
Associate Professor at California Institute of Integral Studies
Author of “Embracing Age”
In Up Right: Changing our Thinking about how we Stand Up and Move, Kay Hogan draws on decades of experience as a Hellerworker and Alexander Technique teacher to share her wealth of knowing on how the body works, how our sensory systems and our structure integrate with movement, and how, through attention and intention, we can learn to move with ease.
I have personally worked with Kay for six years during which I experience relief from nearly twenty years of chronic pain. Kay is a master and this book
Comment from Joseph Heller founder of Hellerwork
"Kay Hogan’s book “Up Right” is a brilliant compilation of all the factors that affect ourstructure and our movement. It is very clear and easy to read and sheds light on manyinteractions and relationships that most of us, including health professionals, never realize.
It should be required reading for all practitioners working with the use of thebody. It is also recommended for anyone interested in knowing their own body better."
Joseph Heller
Pedro De Alcantara Musician, Artist and Writer and the creator of “Integrated Practice”
Kay Hogan’s book is insightful and informative. She has captured the essence of good health, and she offers many useful concepts and practical tools to help us restore those qualities that are innate in young children and animals both wild and domesticated: the qualities of attentiveness and adaptability, so beautifully illustrated when we “see and hear at the same time.
Pedro do Alcantara

Clayton John
Singer-Songwriter, San Francisco, California
The album Clayton has wanted to make since he was a teenager is ready to go to print. A singer/songwriter from the City by the Bay, Clayton writes and sings music inspired by the 60s/70s pop he loved while growing up in the Motor City.

Anna I. Corwin PhD
Embracing Age: How Catholic Nuns Became Models of Aging Well
Embracing Age: How Catholic Nuns Became Models of Aging Well examines a community of individuals whose aging trajectories contrast mainstream American experiences.
Structural work can improve
- Fibromyalgia
- Carpal Tunnel Ssyndrome
- Computer Use
- Back & Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Bulging Discs
- Arthritis
- Fatigue
- Pinched NervesD
- Circulation
- Repetitive Stress Injury
- Emotional Blocks
- Sore Feet
- Body Stress & Tension
- Performance In Any Area
- Stage Fright
- Sciatica
- Intestinal Problems